Therapeutic Life Healing: anxiety, anxiety relief, therapy, wellbeing, mental health
Welcome to Therapeutic Life Health the podcast show that will be a guide for you on your healing journey in life. Here you will find topics related to mental health, personal development and wellness. I am a Psychotherapist, but more than that I too am a person that has experienced clinical depression, anxiety and know grief and loss all too well. I created this podcast to make healing more accessible for people just like you and I on their healing journey. Here you will find advice to help you navigate the highs and lows of life. This show is a mix of encouragement, inspiration, education, and strategies to support your healing journey. I trust you can experience your breakdown as your breakthrough as I help make your healing journey empowering and relatable. Please stick around, subscribe, rate and leave a review. I would love to hear from you and connect. LEARN MORE at to work with me or send me an email at
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
To connect with me and see what services I offer please visit or find me on Instagram @healwitheidit for inspiration & mental wellness tips. Enjoy the show! Have a topic suggestion? Email me your ideas at
Please share this episode with a loved one and what your takeaway is with them. If you haven't already, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review as I read all of them personally!
Disclaimer: I am a licensed therapist, but this show or myself does not replace seeking professional mental health services, including but not limited to therapy. If you or someone you know needs mental health support please visit the links below to access mental health support in the United States.
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
How to set boundaries! In today's episode, I share with you what are boundaries and how to practice them, including sharing one liners you can use to practice setting boundaries. Boundaries help to keep relationships close and help keep people in your lives, not out. Tune into today's episode to learn more about boundaries and to support your mental health, wellbeing and to nurture positive relationships.
To connect with me and see what services I offer please visit or find me on Instagram @healwitheidit for inspiration & mental wellness tips. Enjoy the show! Have a topic suggestion? Email me your ideas at
Please share this episode with a loved one and what your takeaway is with them. If you haven't already, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review as I read all of them personally!
Disclaimer: I am a licensed therapist, but this show or myself does not replace seeking professional mental health services, including but not limited to therapy. If you or someone you know needs mental health support please visit the links below to access mental health support in the United States.
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Hi Friends! It has been some time and I share with you in this NEW episode why I stepped away for a bit. This episode was inspired by my own personal experience the last few months managing a scary health scare with my mother who many of you know I love so much. If you have not checked out my interview with my mom, do check that episode out, she is a cutie! :)
These last few months and weeks I have had to manage my own anxiety and feelings around the uncertainty of my mother's health. These 5 tips that I share with you are from a personal experience. Please do seek additional support from a mental health professional if you are struggling. You can see the links below to find someone near you. Thank you for being here and please be sure to subscribe to the podcast and share this episode with a loved one and let them know why it was helpful. We could all use a little more comfort, support and encouragement with each other along our healing journey. Sending all my love into your heart from mine.
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Episode 100 Quotes
“You are strong because of what you’ve been through and whatever happened was not necessarily what you deserved, it wasn’t your fault, life is just unfair and unkind to all of us in different ways and in similar ways but that you are here. And that’s what matters.”
"There are strength in your scars. That is proof that you’re alive. You’re here today still fighting and you still have hope for a new day or a better day.”
“And so may you continue on your journey in your healing, in your growth, may you celebrate your small wins no matter what they are - it could be that you stuck to your self-care routine or you went for that walk or you took a shower or called a friend and asked for help. Don’t underestimate it. Celebrate your small wins.”
To connect with me and see what services I offer please visit or find me on Instagram @healwitheidit for inspiration & mental wellness tips. Enjoy the show! Have a topic suggestion? Email me your ideas at
Please share this episode with a loved one and what your takeaway is with them. If you haven't already, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review as I read all of them personally!
Disclaimer: I am a licensed therapist, but this show or myself does not replace seeking professional mental health services, including but not limited to therapy. If you or someone you know needs mental health support please visit the links below to access mental health support in the United States.
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Episode 99 Quotes
“I don’t know you but I know you are here today standing strong and trying to just take the next step forward in your healing journey and you might be going through a hard time today and you’re still not giving up. You’re still going to figure it out one day at a time.”
“I accept the best and the worst aspects of who I am. Changing is never simple but it’s easier if I stop being hard on myself. My mistakes just show that I’m growing and learning. It’s okay to make mistakes, I forgive myself. I am a human and I’m figuring it out one day at a time. I am allowed to feel these feelings and then figure things out later. I am free to let go of the judgement of others.”
“Give yourself permission to be imperfect.”
To connect with me and see what services I offer please visit or find me on Instagram @healwitheidit for inspiration & mental wellness tips. Enjoy the show! Have a topic suggestion? Email me your ideas at
Please share this episode with a loved one and what your takeaway is with them. If you haven't already, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review as I read all of them personally!
Disclaimer: I am a licensed therapist, but this show or myself does not replace seeking professional mental health services, including but not limited to therapy. If you or someone you know needs mental health support please visit the links below to access mental health support in the United States.
Friday Feb 24, 2023
98. The 5 Anxiety Relief Steps To Take Now To Help Manage Anxiety
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Episode 98 Quotes
“This feeling, this moment, this situation is just another moment. Big, small, medium, whatever size it is in your life, it’s going to pass. Nothing is permanent. There’s a lot of feelings that can come with that but in that moment of anxiety just that reminder that this too shall pass, this moment will not be forever, that it’s going to be eventually okay.”
“I can’t control this. I can’t control what’s going to happen. I can only control myself. And that reminder in that moment of anxiety is helpful for the brain to calm down.”
“Once you breathe and tell yourself that you can control something, your brain kind of relaxes. Cause it’s like okay let me think clearly...I do have some say in this situation and what is that?”
To connect with me and see what services I offer please visit or find me on Instagram @healwitheidit for inspiration & mental wellness tips. Enjoy the show! Have a topic suggestion? Email me your ideas at
Please share this episode with a loved one and what your takeaway is with them. If you haven't already, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review as I read all of them personally!
Disclaimer: I am a licensed therapist, but this show or myself does not replace seeking professional mental health services, including but not limited to therapy. If you or someone you know needs mental health support please visit the links below to access mental health support in the United States.
Friday Feb 10, 2023
97. Advice I Would Give My Past Self
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Episode 97 Quotes
“I would tattoo this if I could on my past self, my second advice would be that prioritizing yourself is not selfish, it’s self-respect. ”
“So just trust yourself that you are here for a reason, you’re going to figure it out, and just take it one day at a time.”
“Be scared but do it anyway. Don’t let fear rule over your decisions. Do it scared.”
To connect with me and see what services I offer please visit www.eiditc.comor find me on Instagram @healwitheidit for inspiration & mental wellness tips. Enjoy the show! Have a topic suggestion? Email me your ideas at
Please share this episode with a loved one and what your takeaway is with them. If you haven't already, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review as I read all of them personally!
Disclaimer: I am a licensed therapist, but this show or myself does not replace seeking professional mental health services, including but not limited to therapy. If you or someone you know needs mental health support please visit the links below to access mental health support in the United States.
Friday Jan 27, 2023
96. How To Practice Gratitude And The Benefits Of It
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Episode 96 Quotes:
“Research has linked gratitude with a wide range of benefits including strengthening your immune system, improving your sleep patterns, feeling optimistic and hopeful about the future, experiencing more joy and pleasure, being more helpful and generous, and feeling less lonely and isolated.”
"Each of these small moments, these strings of happiness, these moments of joy - they’re a web of wellbeing. And over time it just strengthens your ability to notice the good things happening.”
To connect with me and see what services I offer please visit www.eiditc.comor find me on Instagram @healwitheidit for inspiration & mental wellness tips. Enjoy the show! Have a topic suggestion? Email me your ideas at
Please share this episode with a loved one and what your takeaway is with them. If you haven't already, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review as I read all of them personally!
Disclaimer: I am a licensed therapist, but this show or myself does not replace seeking professional mental health services, including but not limited to therapy. If you or someone you know needs mental health support please visit the links below to access mental health support in the United States.
Friday Jan 13, 2023
95. Six Tips To Start Your New Year The Right Way
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Episode 95 Quotes
“If you strive to put yourself at the top, you will become a better spouse, you will become a better friend, you will become a better parent, you will become a better child, you will become a better YOU. Because when we pour into our own cup and not wait for somebody else to do it, we're that much more successful in anything and everything that we do.”
“It’s okay to change how much you give to people and how much you give to yourself.”
“And when we take the time to self-review, we can spend our time more wisely, more intentionally. It just takes a little bit of effort and then it goes a long way because you look back at your year and you say, ‘oh yes. I spent more time on the things that matter to me than not.'’’
"It’s a sacred space: your workspace, your home space. It’s sacred. It’s part of you. It’s an extension of you. And so take good care of it this year!”
“Put yourself at the top of the list! Whatever this list is that you are writing (your goals, your intentions, your to-dos) it’s you at the top.”
To connect with me and see what services I offer please visit www.eiditc.comor find me on Instagram @healwitheidit for inspiration & mental wellness tips. Enjoy the show! Have a topic suggestion? Email me your ideas at
Please share this episode with a loved one and what your takeaway is with them. If you haven't already, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review as I read all of them personally!
Disclaimer: I am a licensed therapist, but this show or myself does not replace seeking professional mental health services, including but not limited to therapy. If you or someone you know needs mental health support please visit the links below to access mental health support in the United States.
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Episode 94 Quotes
“And a reminder that self-reflection and journaling and thinking in this way and reflecting on how you want to live your life ultimately, it’s a great way to launch your year with intention. And you’ll process the past year and gain clarity to set yourself up for success for the year to come.”
“I’m not one to be like ‘New Year’s Resolutions! New Year, New Me!’ You can do that at any time. You don’t need the new year to do that."
“Accept that win. Accept and honor yourself for that moment because for that moment, it mattered, it did something. If you try to compare it to another moment where you didn’t do well or you didn’t succeed or you didn’t meet that goal, that’s perfectionism showing up.”
To connect with me and see what services I offer please visit www.eiditc.comor find me on Instagram @healwitheidit for inspiration & mental wellness tips. Enjoy the show! Have a topic suggestion? Email me your ideas at
Please share this episode with a loved one and what your takeaway is with them. If you haven't already, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review as I read all of them personally!
Disclaimer: I am a licensed therapist, but this show or myself does not replace seeking professional mental health services, including but not limited to therapy. If you or someone you know needs mental health support please visit the links below to access mental health support in the United States.